How to Use Group Exercises to Lose Weight and Stay Motivated

One of the toughest things about exercising is staying motivated. Motivation isn't just about getting yourself to the gym - it's also about pushing yourself further and further, even when you think you've hit your limits. Group exercises are a great way to get over the motivation barrier. Not only can they help you show...

Easy Exercises You Can Do At Home

Want to get healthier, get fit and build a better body without going to a traditional gym? You can. Some people, such as the highly trained and toned Navy Seals, actually prefer doing home workouts. It allows you to really give your body the attention it deserves without having to worry about other people...

Designing an Easy to Follow Workout Routine

One of the biggest reasons people fall off their workout routines is because they design routines that are too hard to follow. Designing an easy to follow routine not only ensures you'll stick with the routine, but it's also more enjoyable. Here's how to design an easy to follow workout routine: Start with 70% Fun For most...

Burning Belly Fat Made Simple

Burning belly fat is often made unnecessarily complex. You don't need to read a hundred books or do a dozen different kinds of exercises to get rid of your belly fat. Just follow these simple steps. Before We Get Started... It's important to realize that burning belly fat involves burning fat throughout your body in general. Trying...

Burn Fat Fast with High Intensity Workouts

High intensity workouts are not for the faint of heart. If you're serious about burning calories and want to see some serious results right away, using high intensity workouts can be one fast shortcut to your destination. Using high intensity workouts requires concentration and determination. Your muscles, lungs and heart are going to be screaming...